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Report: Mount Herman Road
Mount Herman Road the last trail of the day. The snow at the start of the trail was not that deep at all. We did not have any issues with Mount Herman Road, except for Matt, who went into a short slide once or twice. We did pass a few trucks, Jeeps, an …

Report: Hotel Gulch
Hotel Gulch was the second trail of the day, and the sun was still out. We stopped near the building for the Manitou Experimental Forest for lunch. As we were eating lunch, we saw a few groups coming down Hotel Gulch. That made us feel better about run …

Report: Goose Creek Road
We started our day with Goose Creek Road, which was also the first trail of the year for TrailDamage! On the way to the meeting place in Woodland Park, it was cold, cloudy and snowing outside. But as we got to Woodland Park, the sun came out and it was …

Report: Sevenmile Creek (Fourmile Area)
Sevenmile Creek was the last trail for the day, and it was still very nice outside for the end of October. We did the trail right after the Lenhardy Cutoff. This was the Sevenmile Creek trail in the Fourmile Area near Buena Vista. Sevenmile Creek did n …

Report: Lenhardy Cutoff
Lenhardy Cutoff was the first trail of the day in the Fourmile Area. We all met up at a gas station and then went to the start of the trail to air down. Most of Lenhardy is easy to drive, with one or two rocky areas just to add some fun to the trail. A …

Report: Democrat Mountain
Democrat Mountain was the second and last trail of the day, after Bard Creek. The start of Democrat Mountain is steep and very bumpy. It was slow going most of the way up the trail. We stopped at the overlook for a short break. It was nice to get out o …