Mount Herman Road
This was the last trail for the day. Most of Mount Herman road was icy and had packed snow. It made it very slippery to drive. Mount Herman does see a lot more traffic than other roads around there, but we didn't see many other people.
We did stop in the small playground and flexed out the Jeeps, having some fun.
Before we left the playground, Monica set up the 360-degree camera on Matt’s Jeep to film the drive down the rest of Mount Herman Road. To view the trip down the mountain, use your mouse to click and drag the video around, or move your phone to look around.
The drive down Mount Herman Road was a nice drive. No one had any issues, though Niko did half of a spin-out on one of the icy corners. He stayed on the trail, thankfully.
We stopped at a parking lot to air up and Roger found out that a pulley for his super charger had came apart. The first trail damage of the year, and on the first trail run! With help from Niko they came up with a fix so that Roger could get his Jeep back home.
Reports from Other Days: 22
Use the arrows or dots to flip through the previews of the other reports for Mount Herman Road. Click one of them to read more and see all of the photos from that day.