Lily Lake
We were going to finish up the network of trails just northwest of Leadville, and we were looking forward to it. We had already seen No Name Gulch and Yoder Gulch at the north end, and now we were going to see Lily Lake, Slide Lake and Wurts Ditch at the south end.
We started with Lily Lake and it was easy. The road to the intersection with Wurts Ditch was wide and smooth. We kept going past it to see the rest of the Lily Lake trail.
The trail finally turned into the trees and then we were in shade. We saw the skull and spine of some animal (a cow? a goat?) stuck in a "V" formed by two trees, and it was like an omen. The rest of the trail was a little creepy. It was too quiet, and too dark.
There were a few rocky sections and a muddy section, but otherwise the trail was pretty easy. When we got to Lily Lake, the trail was gated and we couldn't drive any further.
The lake itself looked pretty, but it was marshy and wet all around us so no one got out. We were anxious to see the other trails, so we turned around and headed back out. We turned on the Wurts Ditch trail to continue our day.