Hell’s Revenge
Hell's Revenge was the first trail for the day. It was sunny and warm in Moab. After dropping off Matt's Jeep at a shop to get the bracket welded back on (he broke it off the day before on Steel Bender), Matt led the trail run from Jason's Jeep.
At the start of Hell's Revenge, Lake Michigan had no water in it this year.
As usual, Hell's Revenge was very busy. We stopped at the dinosaur tracks and overlook for a bit before heading on. At most of the up-and-down hills, we had to wait to go up or down because of all the traffic. It was mostly side-by-sides with just a few Jeeps.
Most of Hell's Revenge did not give us any issues. At the overlook at the end of Hell's Revenge, we stopped for a few minutes and got to see our first Bronco on a trail. We were all happy to see the Bronco enjoying going off road.
Afterwards, we stopped at Hell's Gate and watched a Jeep go up the obstacle and an RC truck driven by Corrigan. Jason and Sean didn’t want try any optional obstacle in Hell's Revenge, so we didn't do it this year.
At Mickey's Hot Tub we watched the great Mickey himself drive the obstacle with no problem. It was nice to meet the famous Mr. Mickey and seeing him out and about in his Jeep, giving a tour of Hell's Revenge.
We stopped at the Escalator and watched one Jeep give it his best to make it up, but he could not manage it to the top of Escalator. He tried very hard, and it was fun to watch.
The rest of Hell's Revenge went well and did not really give us any issues. We headed off to Fins & Things next.
Reports from Other Days: 9
Use the arrows or dots to flip through the previews of the other reports for Hell’s Revenge. Click one of them to read more and see all of the photos from that day.