Members go on trail runs with the club. Unless a Member has been asked to leave, Members are always a part of the group. Members have Member Pages in addition to Subscriber Pages, and you can find them in the Forums if you are a Member or Subscriber. Each Report has at least one Member associated with it, in the list of people who were at that trail run.
You must be sponsored by a current Member in order to become a Member. There is no way to sign up for Membership on this website, and no other way to be invited on a future trail run. If you want to join, you have two options:
- Find a current Member you know, and ask them to bring you along on the next run they do with the group (they must be with you).
- Subscribe to this website to get access to the Forum where you can ask to be Sponsored.
Note that Sponsorship Requests are not guarantees, but they are the first place we look for new Members if we don't have other friends in mind. Any Member can sponsor a new Member.