Just register a new membership. However, a snafoo must have happened when registering for a pass word right after payment was made. I'm not able to register for an account with the email or user name given.
Payment was made from Paypal account dan@kershawdesigns.com early Monday morn and the account was register with the user name milemarkers and the email address danfischer71@gmail.com. Can you help?
AUTHOR: Dan Fischer
AUTHOR EMAIL: danfischer71@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Contact Form Submission
[1_Name] => Dan Fischer
[2_Email] => danfischer71@gmail.com
[3_Comment or Question] => Hello,
Just register a new membership. However, a snafoo must have happened when registering for a pass word right after payment was made. I'm not able to register for an account with the email or user name given.
Payment was made from Paypal account dan@kershawdesigns.com early Monday morn and the account was register with the user name milemarkers and the email address danfischer71@gmail.com. Can you help?
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://traildamage.com/contact/
[feedback_id] => e2739579f33260743595db1c57778913