Hi. I need some help solving a problem with the website. I paid for access to the full site through paypal on May 29. I got the emails when I subscribed and then changed my password. I just tried to log in today and it doesn't recognize the email address or username(KarenG) that I provided to create the account.
Thank You
AUTHOR: Karen Gotski
AUTHOR EMAIL: klgotski@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Contact Form Submission
[1_Name] => Karen Gotski
[2_Email] => klgotski@gmail.com
[3_Comment or Question] => Hi. I need some help solving a problem with the website. I paid for access to the full site through paypal on May 29. I got the emails when I subscribed and then changed my password. I just tried to log in today and it doesn't recognize the email address or username(KarenG) that I provided to create the account.
Thank You
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://traildamage.com/contact/
[feedback_id] => c8e5826b7f24008a7ddeef70740284db