I'm try to join because I've used the website for years and now it wants me to pay. I'm good with that, but PayPal says I've paid twice now and I keep getting an error code from the TD website. How does a fellow go about registering and becoming a member?
AUTHOR: Wade Seth
AUTHOR EMAIL: wmseth@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Contact Form Submission
[1_Name] => Wade Seth
[2_Email] => wmseth@gmail.com
[3_Comment or Question] => I'm try to join because I've used the website for years and now it wants me to pay. I'm good with that, but PayPal says I've paid twice now and I keep getting an error code from the TD website. How does a fellow go about registering and becoming a member?
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://traildamage.com/contact/
[feedback_id] => b86d20838e157cd9302742b97385f714