I just subscribed as I used TrailDamage a lot in the past. I'm not able to print and this is critical to my use of this site. If printing is not allowed any longer, I would like a refund. Need the information about trails in the mountains and often this can't be accessed online. Thank you.
AUTHOR: Jeff Shafer
AUTHOR EMAIL: mountainman37@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Contact Form Submission
[1_Name] => Jeff Shafer
[2_Email] => mountainman37@gmail.com
[3_Comment or Question] => I just subscribed as I used TrailDamage a lot in the past. I'm not able to print and this is critical to my use of this site. If printing is not allowed any longer, I would like a refund. Need the information about trails in the mountains and often this can't be accessed online. Thank you.
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://traildamage.com/contact/
[feedback_id] => a647876e1ce68ac433b450de3662ad41