Hate the new format. I liked the rating and description of the trail and i liked what cities they are close to and other trails nearby. I understand trails change (still haven't been able to get my stock JK up Saints John trail due to big rocks, and it's rated a 3). Is there an address i can send my dollar to? I was recently hacked so any online transactions are spooky right now. Thanks and i'll be giving Saints John a go again in late August.
AUTHOR: Dr. Paul Marshall
AUTHOR EMAIL: plmmm@msn.com
SUBJECT: Contact Form Submission
[1_Name] => Dr. Paul Marshall
[2_Email] => plmmm@msn.com
[3_Comment or Question] => Hate the new format. I liked the rating and description of the trail and i liked what cities they are close to and other trails nearby. I understand trails change (still haven't been able to get my stock JK up Saints John trail due to big rocks, and it's rated a 3). Is there an address i can send my dollar to? I was recently hacked so any online transactions are spooky right now. Thanks and i'll be giving Saints John a go again in late August.
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://traildamage.com/contact/
[feedback_id] => 985ca5b0e5f421aeeecb0b04a3ed2c17